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Ecoclear 250ml
TROPICAL ECOCLAR is a water treatment product based on natural minerals intended for use in freshwater aquaria.
TROPICAL ECOCLAR is a water treatment product based on natural minerals intended for use in freshwater aquaria. When added to the aquarium water, it immediately starts to purify it in a natural way. Strongly fragmented natural minerals with a three-dimensional network-like structure catch the substances responsible for its cloudiness, unpleasant odours and colour caused by natural and chemical factors from the aquarium water. The mineral suspension in ECOCLAR not only makes the aquarium water crystal clear, but also cleanses it from organic and chemical impurities, including ammonium ions (NH4+). This increases the aesthetics of the aquarium and improves the living conditions of aquatic organisms. ECOCLAR is completely safe for fish, crustaceans and aquatic plants.
TREATMENT: 20 ml (1 capful) / 100 l of water. Shake vigorously for a moment before use. ECOCLAR makes the aquarium water cloudy after application. This is a natural phenomenon. During this time, particles of minerals gradually remove impurities from the water. The cloudiness of water may persist for up to 24 hours. After this time the aquarium water becomes crystal clear. No water change is required after use.
CAUTION! Do not use simultaneously with other water treatment products. Other agents may be used after minimum 24 hours.