Super Growth
Colour Enhancing
• food for everyday feeding of koi during warm seasons, in water temperatures from 15 to 30oC
• unique, balanced composition of raw materials (including 10% of silkworm pupae), rich in high quality, well-assimilable proteins, accelerates the growth of fish, helps to develop excellent body shape and achieve condition typical for show fish
• low carbohydrate diet formula promotes muscle mass gain and reduces fat accumulation, which is a common and undesirable phenomenon in koi
• exceptionally high content of astaxanthin and carotenoids from natural sources, e.g. marigold, pepper and spirulina, quickly intensifies red, yellow and orange colours of fish
• may cause discoloration of white areas; to regain purity of white, use for a minimum of one month the following foods: Koi Spirulina Pellet, Koi Wheat Germ & Garlic Pellet, Koi Probiotic Pellet